Hand Laid Asphalt

A tidy, more versatile solution for smaller areas of tarmac

Hand lay is used for smaller projects such as footpaths, driveways and courtyards or for projects that cannot be accessed by a paver.

The tarmac is usually distributed by wheelbarrows, to an appropriate location on site and is levelled out by using a rake.

The person with the task to level out should make points around the project to work to or use objects i.e. kerbing lines. This will help create correct falls and levels. Measurements of the depths of asphalt are checked throughout the works to ensure required depths are being met and the asphalt is being laid consistently.

Types of Asphalt Used For Surfacing

There are three main types of surfacing products AC 6, AC 10 and AC 14, these products are generally used as standard specification requirements.  For heavier use and when specified, products such as SMA (Stone, Mastic, Asphalt) or Hot roll are used.

Grades of Aggregate in Asphalt

AC 6 – Wearing course for footpaths and lightly trafficked areas such as driveways and courtyards.

AC 10 – Surface layer rural roads, car parks and driveways, which are considered lower stressed areas.

AC 14 – Mainly used for the heavier trafficked areas such as busy main roads and motorways.

AC 20 – The Binder course is placed between the surface and base layer to help bind and create a solid foundation.

AC 32 – Base course used to provide a solid foundation for your binder and surface courses to be laid on.

SMA and Hot Roll Products – Used in higher stressed areas such as car parks or on road bends – generally in areas where turning is apparent.