
Case Studies for Housing Developments

Maytree Avenue

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Maytree was a small job completed for one of our clients, which consisted of removing grassed areas by reduce digging to ensure we are down to good ground and then removing all soil and turf from site. We continued by laying a none-woven geotextile to prevent any weeds etc growing through. Type 1 MOT was used to stone up to the correct heights and levels, followed by tarmacking with base and topping layers. We at Blackoak like to ensure we tidy as we work and complete all works to the highest of standards. Looking at the second photo it shows how we have installed a footpath which was originally a small garden area. This was largely the same procedure as the footpath, reduce dig, laying geotextile, stoning up, and then laying flags on sand and cement.

Value: £14,400
Duration: 2 Weeks


By | Case Studies for Housing Developments | No Comments

Blackoak recently completed a tank installation for our client Ringstones, on a 32 no. housing development at Sycamore Avenue in Burnley. This was a great opportunity to showcase our skills. The wheolite product tank that we installed as seen in the photo above was 21.5metres long and 4.4 metres wide. In this instance an attenuation tank crate method would not be adoptable by United Utilities meaning a design change. The depth that we were excavating was 2.5 to 3 metres deep. For the deep excavation we created step shoring to create a safe working space for the operatives involved. Due to size of the pipes, we used a 20 tonne excavator to lift the pipes safely into the excavation. On completion we then proceeded to surround the pipes with clean 20mm pipe bedding for protection. Once we had surrounded the pipes with pipe bedding, we then backfilled the excavation compacting in 150mm layers. Blackoak thoroughly enjoyed the works taken place and we would forward to installing many in the future.

Value: £800,000
Duration: 68 Weeks

Tay St

By | Case Studies for Housing Developments | No Comments

Blackoak are currently coming towards the end of the Tay Street project, a housing site consisting of 42 plots. As seen in the photos we take great pride in what we do. They also show some works including how we have installed all internal drainage to the plots, ensuring they are set to the correct measurements. Pipes have been secured by surrounding them in concrete to prevent any movement. Once the internal drainage is complete and the block and beam is in place, we begin prepping the floors for concrete screed. The photos show how we give additional visqueen to overlap the cavity and to prevent any concrete spillage on the brickwork. After the concrete has been installed in the plots, we will cut all the visqueen to ensure a tidy finish to the works taken place.

Value: £750,000
Duration: 52 Weeks