Like all projects at Blackoak, we begin by making the work area safe for workers and members of the public. A thorough CAT Scan examination is completed to identify any services in areas of excavation.
Once we finished excavating, we were ready to pour the concrete bolt box sections, installed for a large canopy over hanging the charger bays. This was then followed by the installation of all charger bases and the ducting which connects them to the substation, and includes a layer of sand and electric tape used to identify the hazards; installation of timber shuttering to pour the concrete into for the base to sit on.
A short drain connection for surfacing water was connected on to the canopy and we were then ready for reinstatement.
Finally, a short trench had to be excavated across the road entrance to make way for and to connect a light on a traffic island, with a SMA Bitumen finish. We had traffic management in place to protect our workers from traffic, and the works took place at night due to the lower volumes of traffic.